Inclusive Community

As part of our work with communities, we have successfully used innovative and customized processes
built around the concepts of inclusion and outreach.
Our Work Includes the Following:

Personal Meetings
Confidential In-Person, Phone, and Virtual Interviews
Online and Printed Surveys
Phone Calls, Virtual Conferences, and Emails
Facilitated In-Person and Virtual Meetings
Online Engagement with all Social Media Channels: Posts, Polls
Creative Virtual Engagement Tools: Webinars, Videos, Emails
Community-Based Tools: Pop Up White Boards, Sticky Notes, Foam Core Posters
Website Design and Integration
Interactive Online Tools: Custom Maps For Walking Tours, Polls, QR Codes
Graphic Materials: Flyers, Newsletters (For Print and Online), Mailings, Press Releases, Sticky Notes
Results-Oriented Communication
An often overlooked part of the facilitation and engagement process is the reporting and
communication. We have literally thousands of hours of public presentation and finely honed skill sets in
writing and presenting reports and information.

We Think There Are Five Key Parts Of Great Communications:

Written Specifically For An Audience
Easy To Understand (No Jargon)
Designed For The Full Range Of Learning Styles

Graphic Details and Elements to Hold Interest
Deliver the Message As Intended
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We develop a community engagement process using customized questions, innovative approaches, and unique tools. This inclusive approach will reach out to a wide and diverse range of residents, business owners, community groups, visitors and students to help inform the results